Near the eastern tip of the island, a dump truck backs into Montreal’s newest recycling sorting centre...
A study by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, SvenskPlaståtervinning, and Tomas Ekvall reveals significant climate benefits from...
SARCAN, Saskatchewan’s provincial recycler, has expanded its plastic recycling program to accept nearly all plastic bags and...
MYGroup, a UK-based waste management and recycling firm, is expanding its textiles initiatives into Sri Lanka. As...
Plastic waste is a growing environmental crisis, with thermosets among the most problematic materials. These durable plastics,...
This story was produced by Grist and co-published with Teen Vogue. In Seattle, as in most cities...
The world is miserable at recycling plastics. Currently, just 10–15% of the plastic waste we generate annually...
Canada’s progress towards its objective of zero plastic
waste by 2030 continues with the government’s publication of
Tires are one of the largest sources of crosslinked thermosets – credit: Robert Laursoo on Unsplash The...
In 2024, Mexico and Canada together received more than half of all U.S. plastic scrap exports and...